Friday, October 22, 2010

What Would it Have Been Like to Be Tony Hayward?

  During the gulf’s oil spill there was obviously a lot of blame and finger pointing.  I believe investigations continue to this day.  The easiest target at the time, of course, was the person at the top, former CEO of BP, Tony Hayward.  Now, could he have really been responsible for the entire thing?  Of course not.  
  Imagine our thoughts are things for a moment.  Imagine they are being sent out venturing to other places, spaces and people.  How many people do you think were sending Tony Hayward hateful, negative, blaming thoughts?  Imagine for a moment that we are all ONE, what must that have been like to be that part of the ONE? I would imagine that it would have kind of sucked.  Yet, perhaps it brought him a dose of needed humility and will ultimately provide him with strength to be a better and stronger leader.  I don’t know Tony, this is all speculation , but I would imagine that to reach the level of CEO of a company as large as BP, one would have to be a strong leader.  One thing is for sure, someone had to be in that position, and I for one am so grateful that it was him and not me or any of my loved ones.  I am not even interested in attempting to imagine that.  The thought is too horrendous.  
I often use a modified version of Ho’oponopono (I think I need a new name for what I do), although there is a strong basis in forgiveness, it is my understanding that the first step is to take responsibility for everything that comes into your existence. Didn’t the oil spill come into the existence of just about every person on the planet?  Taking the theory of Ho’oponopono, which I’ve had interesting successes in using, means each one of us shared in a bit of the responsibility.  What was that?! Yes, I did say that....perhaps each of us shared in a bit of the responsibility of that mess!  If we looked at the symbology of a spill, what could it represent....a crying out maybe? An overall mess in the environment and world that needs cleaning? Maybe it’s even connected to a crying out regarding our economy.  What if it is representative of one or more of these (or even something else)....could it be that the people who complained the most were also those who were crying out and/or had the biggest messes to clean in their own lives.  I would venture to speculate that all of the negativity spewing out of people didn’t help in stopping the spewing oil in a timely manner.  Who’s to know?  Maybe I’m a little too airy fairy, and it was really just an accident caused by some human error or something.  But....I feel that is not the case.  How could something so large be caused by a small number of people?  Of course, in terms of appearance in our physical world one could definitely argue that case.  However, in terms of the non-physical, and in terms of the collective consciousness, I would contend that all of us have some responsibility for everything in our lives, large and small, impersonal and personal, whether it is what we like and it makes us feel good or do not like and makes us feel uncomfortable (perhaps even these ponderings).  
       I for one, sent Tony, agape love among other positive things.  How many others were with me in that?  I recruited a few at least for short time periods.  Some people found it more difficult than others.  If he sensed me, he probably thought I was an angel or something.  It matters not.  I did it because no person, regardless of what they’ve done in life, deserves to have that much spewing at them all at once, and more importantly, I felt called to do it!  I would imagine it must have been somewhat tortuous on the energetic and spirit level. I also used to imagine all of those negative thoughts being sent to the gulf being stepped on and squashed, allowing them to go back into the nothingness where they belong.  
  This leads me to contemplating the economy.  Imagine if everyone, including individuals, businesses, and government started to accept responsibility for their part in our economic demise.  I, for one, can certainly see how I participated.  This may seem like a far leap or some misguided logic, but in looking at businesses, it makes me wonder if giving a salary and maybe a bonus (as opposed to adding a small residual percentage) to the geniuses who invent things that turn into fortunes also plays a small part.  I met someone on a plane once who invented the adapter that plugs a USB into the wall for his company.  I wonder if he will feel one day, like the inventor of fast food breakfast, who said in a resentful tone, “If I only had a nickel for every sandwich sold.”  Maybe I’m imagining things, but it seems that the lack of sharing for profit sake and feeling of resentment could easily be one of MANY factors that have brought us to what many consider an economic recession and need for economic reform.  I for one, pray that any business I help to create, ultimately and fairly compensates all involved, from the concept to the end result, in order to prevent any of these hard feelings that I imagine benefits no one in the long run, not even the companies making the millions or more.  OK, some may argue this is my lack of business acumen.  I would argue it is a heartfelt love for humanity and that perhaps the more generous all of us are the better off all of us will be.     
  Once everyone takes more responsibility, all of us need to focus on what we want in order to achieve what is truly desired. Perhaps it will speed up the process for so many of us who are feeling delays in life right now.
These are the musing of a woman who can sometimes be considered mad and other times enlightened.  It is up to each person reading this to decide for themselves which to consider to be the writer of the moment for this article.  
I sort of feel like I could be getting paid for writing such things.  Any of you hiring someone for such ponderings?  If it could speed my accepting the financial abundance I have coming, so be it.  Blessings to each reader!

By Tonya Tyler


  1. Enjoy the obvious humanity in your musings. Seems like I am reading your daily journal and among other things you are describing the power of our distance work.

    When a movie I produced got lots of acclaim recently I don't believe I actually felt the appreciation of the thousands of people ...say in my dreams or energy field. Am I just thick?

  2. Jim, my journal sometimes gets a bit deeper. I look forward to sharing some of it with you eventually.

    One thing, among many, that I loved about your movie, Men Who Stare At Goats was the humor. The only other movie I'm aware of that talks about RV is Suspect Zero. Although I watched it because of the topic, I didn't appreciate the negative and violent tone of it. In my opinion, it's always better to entertain and educate with humor rather than instilling more fear into the masses regarding things that are so misunderstood.

    To answer the seeming rhetorical question....are you thick? Only you can answer that. Maybe because of your past and/or environment, you were simply closed to receiving all of the good being sent to you. I think I've heard you say on a youtube video that we are all products of our environment. So true!
