Sunday, October 17, 2010

Healing Hands

This is a story that needs to be shared before it gets any bigger.  Before it encompasses the entire universe (not sure how that would work - - haha).  Back in June, during the Gulf Spill, a vision kept coming to me of people gathering to heal the earth, water and all of the people impacted.  There are people holding hands from New Orleans to Tallahassee sending universal love, blessings and gratitude.  I told God, “If this is my calling, I will say yes, but make the way possible.”  I couldn’t see the way being made so I kept trying to let it go.  It kept coming back though, each time a little bigger.  This vision has grown to encompass the world now that several months have past and further realizations of a much larger healing that is needed.

The vision includes political, business and spiritual leaders sharing from the divine flow within each of them, not from teleprompters or scripts (is that possible?).  After words are expressed, the leader will also share and give instructions to all who are participating, millions of people throughout the world gathering in their own regions at the same time for a common goal.  Everyone connecting through an independent news feed that is not controlled by the government, Facebook and Twitter so all are receiving as much truth about the event as possible, OR depending on when it occurs perhaps through telepathy.  All tuning in to the one whose turn it is to share and then the next person.  Everyone then joins hands to send universal love (maybe they’ll be a new word if there is an agreement that it’s needed) to the earth and each other, blessings and gratitude for all that have.

I must admit, I saw myself as the leader and one of the people sharing.  And as attached as I was to that idea for a while; it would be such a joy to see it take place regardless of who is leading.  To be a seed planter and part of it would be just as much of an honor as leading it. 

Now in regards to the name....I thought Healing Hands Across the World, but it is so close to Healing Hands Across America, which was done already.  World Unity Day is another idea....but that’s been used.  Any other ideas for the event title?  Should there be one centralized location where world leaders are sharing OR should regional leaders take the lead roles in each of their areas?   Any ideas to make it even better?  

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