Monday, October 18, 2010

Thoughts on Death and Valuing Life

     I must admit this post and the next one are two I've debated to share publicly, even if on a small scale at the moment.  Wondering how people would take it, if it would be gentle enough, and debating if it's too private.  I have decided to trust that those who read it will have whatever experience they have with it, and it is their experience to have without my taking responsibility for how they respond to it.  Here it goes:

I heard someone think, “Why did she end it with death?” in regards to Taking on Hitler - Part 3.  Is there truly death?  We will always continue to live regardless of having the bodies we currently occupy and who knows in how many realms.  Knowing that our spirits continue to live has brought me more peace than sorrow at times of people passing.  My grandfather, for example, had such a blissfully enlightened experience his last couple of months in our physical realm I couldn’t cry (or mourn) for two years.  I was so filled with joy for him and, at that time, I wished everyone could experience death in such a beautiful way.  After reading the book Being With Dying, I no longer wish that for everyone, just those who want it!  Then there is Fred Nelsen, Retired Chief of the Fire Dept in Ontario, CA, he just recently passed away in his wife’s loving arms.  I would imagine that was a dream come true for him!  And, how beautiful!  What a fortunate man!  He is a great man and served well for that dream to occur.  All I can feel for him and from him is peace.  Understandably, his wife is very sad.  I feel compassion for her, but I know he is still with her.  He’s talked to me since passing, and I was honored to be able to pass the message on to her.  Can I prove it was him?  Of course not.  

Many of us....maybe all of us will be even more powerful and strong once in spirit form only.  Look at the master teacher Jesus.....regardless what many churches teach about him, he is definitely more powerful in death than in life.  Look at how many followers he has had and for how long.  Have any of you talked, or better yet, listened to him lately?  He is very wise indeed. It’s too bad so many misused the beautiful teachings he came to spread, which, in part, was to empower us to tap into our divine nature in order to perform even greater miracles than he did.  It takes a long time for a big idea like that to take form on a large scale.  Maybe we’ll be ready to start performing them soon.  Maybe some already are!

Perhaps it was these views that led me to feel such an overwhelming sense of peace and desire for the world to feel what I felt around the time of 9/11/01.  A co-worker said you picked the wrong time for wanting that.  Really?  I can understand why many people didn’t feel peace but is there ever a time when a person wouldn’t want it?  I suppose some prefer a lack of peace but that is beyond my comprehension.  I actually confused myself a bit that I wasn’t weeping like so many people were.  I can be such a cry baby sometimes and that was an event worthy of many tears.  I couldn’t shake the feeling of peace and frankly didn’t want to.  Strange thing about feeling that way during that time is I felt a little guilty for feeling it.  Felt a bit like an oxymoron.  Leaving aside judgment it simply was what it was.
Nicholas and I continued our talk about death after Venus’ demise, and I said I would be very sad if he died and started to cry at the thought (as I am now).  I asked if he would be sad if Mom died.  He said yes, and I cried more.  Yet, we will still continue to live without bodies, but it’s so much nicer to be able to cuddle, hug, play, talk and even have little tiffs in body form as long as possible.  It’s not nearly as enjoyable as doing any of that in the imagination.  He laughed while I cried.  Then he sweetly wiped my tears.

I am my son’s only parent at the moment so the thought of him without me is very sad to me.  I am pretty sure I know how old I will be when I pass from this life to the next, yet I do not take life for granted as the loss of it is only a breath away.  As a matter of fact, I came very close to being run over by a car the day I wrote this.  I’m glad I was paying enough attention to avoid that hiccup.  I will not take life for granted.  I do my best to have my relationships complete - - meaning there is nothing left unsaid, which leaves an opening for new possibilities within each relationship or within oneself.  I prefer completion over the concept of closure, which implies a finality.  Yet, on occasion, such as when starting a new relationship or friendship, it can be difficult to feel complete when there is so much that I want to share and not appearing to have all of the time to share it.  Or, maybe it is simply that having the plan in mind for what to say is not nearly as fun to speak as what authentically comes out in the moment. 

In addition to valuing human life, I claim many animals and creatures as my friends and acquaintances.  Spiders are my friends, and I catch those that are indoors to free them into the outside world (where we should all be more)....sometimes they even seem to listen to me when giving them instructions.  Wild imagination, huh?  I am working on befriending flies but they bug me so much...I’m playing on resolving that issue and they are slowly leaving me alone.  At least in my own mind they are.   Bees generally greet me and then leave me alone.  I’ve talked to the ants about staying out of my house because they will have to die, and I am not interested in killing them.  They generally stay out.  I thought it was my complex that was protected from them but one of my neighbors mentioned getting ants often.  Maybe it’s a coincidence....I don’t know.  When a creature comes near I haven’t seen before I study it in awe and look at it in all of its beauty.  Sounds like Avatar, huh?  How many are with me?

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