Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tribute to Candace Silvers' FREE Fridays

Have you ever felt drawn or called to be somewhere even if it didn't seem very convenient?  That's how it was for me on the occasions I attended Candace Silvers' Free Friday Events (A Conversation About Possibility).  Although I knew the drive would be long and arduous, I figured if at least one thing was gained from attending it would be well worth it.  And, it certainly was, each time!

On one of those lovely days, she read the energy of the entire group and discussed relationships!  I am not sure of the actual words she used but will give to you what I gained from her talk.  She had us imagine that the room we were in was closed off to the rest of the world and we lived in a communal together.  She explained that each person would connect with their natural pair.  Typically it would start off as men and women getting together but eventually one of the genders would have more than the other.  Male or female - - those pairs would also match up with their natural partner.  It wouldn't be about being straight or gay or lesbian or bisexual.  It would be about being grateful to have someone (I know a few women who seemingly turned lesbian after divorcing and having kids - - maybe they simply found their natural pair and the gender didn't matter).

Candace went on to talk about how long ago when everyone lived in small communities/tribes/villages that there was no divorce.  The pairs simply made it work because they had to.  There was no option.  She talked about how today people remain together until one or both of the people stops making the other one feel good.  What would it be like if our society wasn't so concerned about feeling good?  What if all of us could give more selflessly to our spouses and/or special loved one?  Would it in turn be serving our families, friends, communities and world better as well?

I am not judging or saying that one way is right over another, it just seems to me that once natural pairs are made it would be easier to stay together.  Separating and divorcing can be so painful and not just to the couple....but to all of the around them.  I've experienced the latter and appreciate Candace's talk that helped give me perspective on a new possibility.

I could go on and on about the value gained from attending, especially regarding the two readings she did on me personally.  But for the sake of not making this about me......I say, thank you Candace, for being one of the many pivotal teachers who helped me shift to where I am today!  I honor you for the beautiful work you are doing.

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