Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Collective Conscious Thoughts Have You Gotten Caught Up In?

There are many thoughts we carry as groups of people.  Is this another indication of our oneness?  Sometimes they are easy to recognize.  Other times we have them and don’t acknowledge they are part of the group think.  I am not saying they are all bad.  Actually I will avoid judging them as best I can.  We each simply make choices as to which ones we want to accept for our lives. least perhaps the choice can be made once there is an awareness that it is a collective thought.
Questions that come to mind related to this it more important to be a free thinker or group thinker?  How quickly can you catch yourself being caught up in a collective conscious thought?  How important is it that we catch ourselves?  Should we decide to......can we shift ourselves out of a group thought as individuals regardless of the mass?  Or, is it more important to play at shifting the whole? Would it be easy to shift or difficult or does it depend on how ingrained the thought it?  
Here are a few of the collective conscious thoughts I’ve recently recognized (in no particular order of importance).  
  1. It’s a recession so as individuals and companies it’s a time to struggle financially.
  2. It’s time to be sick (with a cold or flu).
  3. People are scary.....don’t talk to strangers.
  4. It’s important to test drive sex before making a commitment through marriage or sacred union.
  5. Let’s be hairless or hairy (depending on the time period)
  6. Negativity sales!
  7. Eyesight goes bad around 40.
  8. There is one person out there for me.
  9. I am alone in this.  Nobody understand me.
  10. Jesus is more God than the rest of us.
None of us are completely free of the collective consciousness.  Of the ones listed above, which ones have attached to you vs. which ones are you free from being a part?  Which ones do you consider good or bad?  Which would you like to shift?  Could a few of us decide together to play at shifting any of these that appear negative to something more positive?  How many people would it take?  Wouldn’t that be a fun experiment?

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