Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thought Paper on Faith

Faith is both innate and nurtured.  I believe it initially comes from a seed that was planted by our Divine Source to help us, guide us and direct us. Yet it is developed and strengthened over time through nurturing it.  It is something that can waiver at times and be held firm at others.  One of its function in life is to allow us to live worry-free and in a state of peace and harmony.  When we live in faith we live in the flow of life and all works out as expected or better.  When it waivers and we live in fear we can wreak havoc in our lives or at least in our minds.  But isn’t that where it all starts, in the mind?  Heaven or havoc.  They each start with a state of mind that begins with living in either faith or fear.  

With faith there is clarity, no confusion.  Faith is a strong belief in something that is unseen.  What we think of as the polar opposite is fear, which is really faith misplaced.  Faith and fear are the same emotion, one is simply of light and positive, while the other is of darkness and negative.  

Faith is living in trust that all is working in Divine Order.  And that even in the most trying of times you can still have an optimistic view and knowingness about a situation.  I believe faith gets stronger as judgments get smaller; when we can simply see things as being, instead of as good or bad.  Faith directs our actions and our actions strengthen our faith.  Faith without action is simply a fantasy that will stay as such.

As stated in the Science of Mind book, pure faith is a spiritual conviction; the embodiment of an idea, and acceptance of a concept.  Seeing results through staying in a positive prayerful state and acknowledging one's connection to Source often will strengthen faith.

By Tonya Tyler
Written May 12, 2010

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